Sunday, February 14, 2016

How Can We Not Be?

Hebrews 13:5

“Keep your life free

from love of money,

and be content with what you have,

for He has said,

'I will never leave you

nor forsake you.'”

This is the closing chapter of Hebrews, and amongst the closing instructions the author makes sure to mention for his readers to be content.

So I have looked at how we can be content a lot this week, now I look at it from another angle. How can we not be?

Has ever there been a greater love story? Has ever there been a more intimate and triumphant romance?

Have hearts ever been knit as close as the Church and her Bridegroom?

How can we not be content when we have a Love Who has given Himself fully for us and to us? Who has promised to be with us through thick and thin?

The good news of the gospel is not only salvation from hell, although that is a massively wonderful thing, the gospel also means salvation from separation from God. The gospel means having The Holy Spirit dwell inside our hearts. The gospel means never being alone.

Alone, that word, it is honestly one of my greatest fears. Being completely alone, because I would have to face my thoughts, my never ending downward spiral of thoughts.

And worse than anything else, more fearful than anything else would be to be alone without God.

Because even when I don't have people God can calm my mind and my heart.

This verse is hope, it's freedom, I am so thankful that God is honest and faithful, I sure as heck don't deserve it. I know what I've done and so does He. I know the ways I fail daily, and yet He has not given up. May I never be content with anything other than God, and may I never forget that He is forever with me.


Remember God is close.


Tonight during team building I will pray when I get frustrated or feel overwhelmed.

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