Psalm 139:23-24
“Search me, Oh God, and know my
Try me and know my thoughts!
And see if there be any grievous way in
and lead me in the way everlasting!”
When I was young I often understood
this passage to have a totally different meaning than others. I
thought as David spoke of hating those who hate God in the previous
verses he was asking God to find something to prove him imperfect. In
other words I used think that David was very proud. I may have looked
in context at it from the point of the earlier verses but not the
following verse. “And lead me in the way everlasting!” why would
someone perfect need to be led, why would they need guidance? They
wouldn't. This changes the whole tone of Davids plea.
It has changed it from that of a proud
man, to that of a desperate man. No matter what the motivation to ask
God such a thing is bold. Each sentence ends with an exclamation.
Once again this is the cry of a desperate man, but what is he
desperate for? Since a young age David had known about and
experienced God's presence and providence in his life. God delivered
him from from a lion and a bear, from Goliath and Saul, and later in
life, sin and death.
I do not know at what point in David's
life this was written. Some say while he was a shepherd boy, it would
be easy for me to want to disagree with this as I have been reading
through second Samuel and have seen the bloodbath, the murderous
nature of David's sons etc. again I don't know, but if he penned it
as a shepherd boy I find myself amazed. Imagine if you will the
encouragement this would give David in the years to come as he walked
through every trial, and faced his own failures, and saw his sons
commit so much evil. If sung as an adult imagine the depth of the cry
as it has taken on new meaning through experience. Songs are such an
encouragement and sometimes the full depth of them does not hit me
until years after first hearing it. Though I enjoyed it at the first
time I heard it, events in my life lead me to grasp deeper meanings
in it. I wonder if he wrote it as a shepherd boy how it kept and
changed his perception and understanding of God's character. Kept
because it already spoke of God's omnipotence, omnipresence, and
omniscience, changed because God became more and more real as he saw
the unchanging character of God through his life. So once again I say
what was he desperate for? He was desperate for God, he was desperate
to never be separated from God. If he were a boy perhaps he was
confident in being seen as perfect in God's eyes through faith in
God's keeping him, and yet he had some humility knowing at any time
he could walk down the wrong path. So he cries out “Lead me in the
way everlasting.”
I can do this in a heart not only
desperate for God, but unfortunately doubting God's good character.
Fearing that I could do something to make Him leave me. However a
wonderful truth is David did not first seek out God, God sought out
David. The same is true in my life. God placed me in a God fearing
family with God fearing parents. As I have grown I have seen many of
my siblings walk away from God. Before that happened they were an
encouragement to my faith and helped me grow in many ways. Because
they wandered from God does that mean God is any less faithful or His
word any less true? No. most certainly not. It only means they have
stopped believing it and therefore it has stopped showing outwardly
in their life. I pray often that they are again filled with a hunger
for God. In Ecclesiastes 3:11 it says “Also, he has put eternity
into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done
from the beginning to the end.” God has put a desire in each of us
for eternal life with Him. And In John 6:44 Jesus says “No one can
come to me unless the Father Who sent me draws him. And I will raise
him up on the last day.” The very fact that I have a desire for
something more, though I have tried to satisfy it with earthly
things, is proof that God is seeking me. The fact that David cried
out to God to search him, and to lead him says that God was drawing
and seeking him. We are desperate for God, because He is desperate
for us. He does not by any means need us, but He by all means wants
us and wants to save us. We didn't choose him but He chose us. See
john 15:16.
The response then to God when He seeks
us should be seek Him also, to cry out for him to search and lay bare
every intention of the heart as David did, and show if there is any
wicked way in us, that we might repent of it, that we might be led in
the way everlasting.
seek God.
Tomorrow I will make a point of getting
up in time to have my morning devotional, 5:30 am.