Friday, April 1, 2016

A Youth Leader's Worst Nightmare.

Luke 2:46

“After three days they found him in the temple,

sitting among the teachers,

listening to them,

and asking them questions.”

After three days. We have come into the middle of the story which might be titled every parent's or youth leader's worst nightmare. Jesus parents thought their son was in the group they left with, and they traveled a whole day before realizing he was gone. There must have been the agonizing sinking feeling, and a sick feeling in their gut. The equivalent of leaving one of your kids at a gas station on a road trip.

But the good news is they found him. Now if you happen to get left behind somewhere and then found where would you like to be found?

Jesus was found completely calm. I don't know if He fasted those three days, or if He stayed with relatives, or if the teachers in the temple invited Him to meals. But I am given no indication that He was worried whatsoever with whether or not he would be provided for.

He was found sitting. He had made himself ready to wait. When I spend time talking to someone, it comes to mean something more than a casual chat when we move to a comfier place to sit instead of standing.

He was found listening. Now kids can listen but it's not often that they want to. More than that He was asking questions, He was not only listening, He was completely Engaged in conversation.

Jesus is our perfect example for how we aught to live. And what with our theme being Teachable, trainable, and coach-able, there is one major thing I want to point out.

Jesus was found sitting among the teachers. This prompts a question for me. Am I sitting among teachers, I mean right now I am, we have had countless pastors come through this center and pour into us. And it has been awesome, but what about when I go home? Am I seeking to speak with those who are digging into God's word? Am I seeking to be taught more and more about God?

I mean think about it. Your family has forgotten you what would you do? Probably find the nearest phone, and call for help, but here's Jesus at 12 years old and what does He do? Goes into the temple, granted that was probably a central place so if parents came looking for Him they'd probably go there. But then what does He do? Starts a conversation with someone, then it turns into a group of people, and a group of teachers. Not only that but it says in verse 47 “And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.” And his answers, Jesus was teachable, He listened so well, that when He answered back people were astonished by Him.

Seek out teachers who rightfully divide the word of God, and sit with them.

Tomorrow I will try to sit with pastors at mealtimes.

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