John 12:26
“If anyone serves me,
he must follow me;
and where I am,
there will my servant be also.
If anyone serves me,
the Father will honor him.”
If, the word that is hardest for me to
hear. I don't like ifs especially ones that are dependent on my
actions. The fear of failing and never reaching the goal is constant,
but that fear is not from God. However think of the condition for
serving Jesus, “he must follow me.” Jesus is deeply troubled in
Spirit at this point, His hour has come. He asks if He should ask the
Father to save Him from this hour, yet He knew that for this hour He
had come into the world. With this in mind think of where Jesus would
be asking them to follow Him. A servant must die to self in order to
follow Jesus and quite often physical death. Well that is what we
must do to follow Him. But I realize as I look at this scripture
something else. To serve Jesus we must walk close with Him. This is
the secret to not getting so caught up in ministry that we miss the
We must die to self daily, that may
come by walking closer in our devotions, and by being more
transparent with God. As I read in Be Filled Now all God desires is
for us to confess and allow Him to work in us by submitting to His
word and saying “Truth LORD.” “For if we confess our sins, He
is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from
all unrighteousness.” 1st John 1:9
If you want to serve Jesus you must
walk closely with Him, for only then will you know the desires of His
heart, and how He will want you to serve Him. The heart of a servant
that God desires I feel is like the women who washed Jesus feet. Her
desire was to love Jesus, and with her tears and hair she washed His
feet. Oh that our desire would be like hers. What an incredible
heart, contrite of her sins, and seeking to love and give to Jesus.
Or like Mary who sat at Jesus feet and listened. She just wanted to
soak in Jesus words, and listen to Him.
I have empty hands, I have nothing that
God needs, and in fact find myself needing from Him. As I receive I
want to give, and I want to receive more. I want more of God every
day. I feel a deep thirst for Him. I hate feeling numb. And instead
of ignoring it I ask God to break me again. I don't want to get
comfortable I want to get closer.
“If anyone serves me, he must follow
me, and where I am, there will my servant be also.”
You can tell a servant of Jesus by
looking at there life, you can see the glow in there eyes. They are
with Jesus. Every morning they are up earliest. During worship they
are excited, surrendered and soulful. In their speech they are
gracious. Perhaps the best way to know when someone is a servant of
God is that they are so close to Him they act just like Him.
“If anyone serves me, the Father will
honor Him.”
Here is a promise and a wonderful one
at that, if you serve Jesus the Father will honor you. Not only Is
Jesus calling you to walk closely with Him, and die to self daily,
but living that way gains honor from God our heavenly Father. What
more can we want. And what a joy we can have as a servant of Jesus.
Walk closer to God through quiet time
and dying to self.
Tomorrow I will get up at 5:30 to have
more time to pray and seek Jesus.
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