Philippians 3:10
“That I may know him (Christ)
and the power of his resurrection,
and may share in his sufferings,
becoming like him in his death,”
I think I, like most people, would
easily agree with the first lines of this verse. Knowing Christ and
His resurrection power, to that I would say a hearty amen! Then it
goes onto to say “And share in his sufferings, becoming like him in
his death.” Firstly I actually really have to break this down.
Sometimes I get so used to hearing verses I don't think about them.
And as I wrote out this verse, I realized I did not really understand
what this meant. To Share in Christ sufferings. This was easy for me
to grasp, Christ was rejected, despised, and killed. But becoming
like Him in his death what does that mean? What was Christ like in
His death? Firstly he was quiet and willing. As a lamb is lead to the
slaughter so was He. Secondly He was patient, enduring the pain.
Thirdly He did not think of Himself but others when He said to one of
the disciples “behold your mother” (Mary) Being the oldest and
knowing He would die he passed the responsibility to care for His
mother Mary to His disciple. Fourthly He was forgiving of His
murderers. Fifthly He was listening, as He heard the request of a
dying sinner on the cross next to Him. Sixthly He was alone, as He
cried out “My father, my father, why hast thou forsaken me.”
Although praise God He has promised to never leave us. And lastly, He
really did die.
So what did Paul mean when he said
“That I may...share in his sufferings, becoming like him in his
death.” That I may display the character of Christ in His final
hours. That I may quietly and willingly walk the path God has for me.
To be patient enduring the pain. To be thinking of others rather than
myself. To give forgiveness even to those who do me great injustice.
To be listening to and comforting others around me even as I
experience great pain. To follow God even when I cannot feel Him
near. To consider myself dead.
Because quite simply, you cannot
experience resurrection power if you have never died.
Display the character of Jesus by dying
to self.
Tonight I will ask God for Patience.
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