Wednesday, March 23, 2016

What Is Most Precious?

Psalm 119:11

“I have stored up your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you.”

When I see the word stored in this verse, I think of how precious in the sight of the writer God's word must be. In other translations it says Hid instead. To think of it like something so precious you must hide it away so it doesn't get lost or stolen, like a diamond or precious jewel. Why was it so precious to the psalmist? In the second half of our verse we see why. “that I might not sin against you.” God's word was precious to him, because God was precious to him. The psalmist loved God so much that his greatest desire was to have a relationship with God unhindered by sin.

I feel deeply this. I want so badly for there to be no barrier between me and God. However the more of God's word I know, the more I find myself a sinner. Now this knowledge could almost drive me further away from God, if not viewed in light of the gospel in which case it sets me free. The more I see my weakness I can either choose to run from God and ignore it, or I can choose to run to God for grace.

And as I consider that this weeks theme is discipline, I am reminded that our team building this week is committing Psalm 1 to memory. And as I want to be closer to God I think about how I have not been very disciplined in memorizing the memory verses as of the last few weeks. Ok I thinks it's application time


Store up God's word in my heart.


This week I will write down on not cards psalm 1, and our memory verse so that I can practice memorizing it, instead of just putting it on the back burner.

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