Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Be A Jonathan.

Ecclesiastes 4:12

“And though a man might prevail

against one who is alone,

two will withstand him-

a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

The phrase “no man is an island” comes to mind as I read this verse.
I have noticed something about abusers, they tend to isolate their victims to keep them from getting help. I have noticed depression and anxiety cause a person to isolate themselves. Whatever the reason is, isolation is a dangerous thing.

Isolation says I can handle it myself. Isolation says no one will understand. Isolation says to feel ashamed. Isolation says your not worth being cared for. These are lies from the enemy. If we try to fight things alone we will likely lose. Each one of us needs accountability, and encouragement. Whether you are fighting sin, depression, or anxieties, you need support. First and foremost we all have Jesus, I think of the song What A Friend We Have In Jesus “Oh what peace we often forfeit, oh what needless pain we bare, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.”
But also we need those trusted siblings in Christ who we can pour out our hearts to.

Remember what I said about abusers? I think they take lessons from the devil. One of satan and his followers favorite things to do is isolate God's children. It's so much easier for him to destroy someone who is alone. Any way that the devil or his followers can divide the church he will. It's so much easier for him to cause a division and watch us fight to the death or destroy ourselves than to try and attack us as a group.

As our verse says you might prevail alone but not always, try to have someone beside you in a fight, or even better have two! Find those trustworthy brothers and sisters in the Lord. Pray without ceasing to the Friend that is always there. And rely on your family in Christ, confide in them, and seek counsel. Now to fall into our theme submit to them, do not, I repeat do not get into petty arguments, do not gossip, do not sow discord. Be mold-able, and looking to the interest of others. We are in a battle, we need to stand together, intertwined like a cord, so that we cannot be pulled apart.

Be honest, be real, be raw, and be there.

I think everyone in our group has done phenomenally in this, but beware of getting comfortable. This is a sad fact but everything I'm saying I need to hear first and apply first. The more I get to know people the more likely I am to hide my struggles, for multiple reasons, I don't want people to worry, I don't want to be a burden, I feel ashamed, it's not that big a deal I can handle it by myself. The list goes on, any excuse to keep others from knowing what's really going on.

But all these thoughts are lies and distractions, I have gotten used to keeping others from seeing the center of my heart by showing them the things that may be troubling me a little but not the source.

I've gotten used to doing things alone, working alone, etc. This is good in a lot of ways, it's good to be independent, it's helped me in working at summer camps, YMCA after school programs, and retail, when we are constantly understaffed. But it leaves me a bit wrecked. I get so busy and tired, and I don't carve out that time with God I need. I get caught up in working for God, instead of worshiping to Him. We need fellowship. In Hebrews 10 it says “do not give up the meeting together of the brethren.” God places people in our lives for a reason, certainly use wisdom in whom you confide in. And if you ask advice let it be from another believer. You have heard the verse “be not unequally yoked.” That is not referring to married couples so much as friendships or business partnerships. Of course if we are not to be unequally yoked in friendship, then we should certainly not be unequally yoked in marriage.

All right time to try and rain in all the thoughts. Stand with your siblings in Christ, be a friend to them, let them be a friend to you, stand together in every trial, bare each others burdens, weep with each other, laugh with each other, do life together. Be as Jonathan to David, humble, encouraging, honorable, honest, knit your souls together. Love one another as Christ loved you.


Stand together in the Spirit and in Love.



I will work to stay vulnerable with my sisters in Christ today, and I will look for ways to be more encouraging.

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