Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Hebrews 5:8

“Although He was a Son,

He learned



what He suffered.”

Jesus the one to whom this is referring was perfect in every way. And He was obedient in everything. He learned in that, He continued being obedient, from the beginning till the end. And He learned it through what He suffered at the cross.

Why is we learn so much through suffering? It would be very nice I think if we could learn through comfort. But the answer is simple, when you run it can be tiring and uncomfortable, make you feel all gross and sweaty, but your muscles become stronger from it. When you try to touch your toes you feel the dull ache as your body is stretched, but it's the only way to make your body more limber, and protect it from injury.

I am not big on suffering, in fact I very much dislike it. I dislike even the smallest discomfort of feeling embarrassed. When it's time to get up in the morning I gently hit the wall with my knuckles and groan, the inner struggle is very real. Confronting with a spirit to restore a brother is incredibly difficult, I don't like confrontation. Asking for help is another place I struggle in. These are all incredibly minor ways to suffer, yet I struggle with them a lot.

Yet Jesus went through all these things quite often. He was mocked, He stayed up late and woke early to get time alone with His father. He was not shy in confronting another about sin. He asked His disciples to stay up and watch with Him in the Garden, not so much that He needed them to, nor did they do very well at it. My point is He was not afraid to ask people to do things.

But what will happen if I am obedient in these areas?

If I am unafraid of embarrassment I will share the gospel more boldly, and praise God more radically.

If I get up earlier, I will have more time for devotions and prayer, and therefore have a much better day.

If I confront others gently, I may be an instrument for God to bring them to repentance.

If I ask for help, I will be able to work with others in a way pleasing to God, instead of trying to do it all myself and getting discouraged.


A bit of discomfort is good for growth, be obedient even when it's uncomfortable.


Today I woke up early to make sure I still got devotions and had time to do this IBS.

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